Grade 6 Writative Writers!

All Things Writing: Sentences, Stories, Poems…

100 WC Week 31 Tatum L


The wistful girl sat by the window, looking longingly at the beautiful scenery. In all her fourteen years of life, she had never been outside. Today she decided to change that. So she gathered her wrinkled puppy up in her arms and stepped outside. She felt free and started to run, her furry companion right behind her. She couldn’t believe her aunt had the silly rule of not letting her outside. As she ran she spotted mushrooms and a big lake. Sitting on the sand was a small boat and an oar. She hopped in and paddled into the sunset. 

100 word by Charlotte S.


The old man wrinkled with age, woke up wistfully dreaming of a boat. He lived in a forest with lush green grass, vibrant wildflowers, and mushrooms. He must have mushrooms because that was a rule. So he set out, searching for a boat. Suddenly, he came upon a tree, but this wasn’t just any tree, it was a magical tree. It grew dreams. Thousands of dreams grew on this tree, hats, busses, dolls, bikes, cats, telephones, oars, teddy bears, and there was his boat. His boat was perfect. He set his boat into a tiny pond and he was happy.

100 Word Challenge (Oar, Rule, Mushroom, Wistful, Wrinkled) By EmberS


In a quaint little village, called Tibwan, children began to disappear. They were getting stolen by creatures that lived in the nearby woodlands. There were no rules in the forest, but all that went in, wistful and hopeful for treasure and glory, came out wrinkled and in disarray, or never came out at all. One day, a little child by the name of Margarette set out to explore, with her odd assortment of belongings, which consisted of mushrooms, shoes, and miniature oars her papa had whittled for her, only days ago. As Margarette walked down a deserted cobblestone path, a dark whirling cloud of what appeared to be dust began to drift towards her.

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100wc By Shahnawaz


As we walked into the castle, there was lots of mist and fog coming from two hallways. “We split up. Sara and I go left, and Tom and you go right.” I said. We crept through the left-wing of the castle with flashlights. I was clearly ready for anything to jump at me. “HELP! JUMPING SPIDERS ARE AFTER US!!” Kelly yelled. Well, that’s ironic. Something jumped at them. After we got that settled, Sara said something about darkness. Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room.“It’s like the castle will make whatever we say!” I said. “Heaven,” I said. Then suddenly, it appeared. 

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100 word story #30 Zac H.


After work, Jimmy Neutron was exhausted. The afternoon sky was dark and gloomy and looked like it was going to rain. His house was old and broken. The doors creaked and the house swayed side to side. The staircase was missing steps and was leaning to one side. His living room was dark and the furniture was ripped and filled ruth dirt. He had a suspicion that there was someone living in the house with him. His bed was all messed up even though he fixed the bed that morning. When Jimmy was watching tv, suddenly, darkness enveloped the room.

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100 wc week 30


Luke is sleeping when suddenly his light starts to flicker. Luke is aroused from his sleep and leaps out of bed. The flickering stops, and suddenly, darkness envelops the room. Luke, turns around. Suddenly a figure emerges from the shadows. Luke jumps under his bed and hears an eerie voice. He tries his best not to breathe; he can hear the figure calling out his name. It’s a woman’s voice eventually the lights flicker and the figure appears to be… His mother. he crawls out from underneath his bed. Now, what are you doing? She asks, go back to bed!

Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room by Charlotte S.



Pepper woke up. Beads of sweat dripping down her face. She was awake but her nightmare had not stopped. The figure crept toward her, and suddenly, darkness enveloped the room. As the figure neared, she saw it was cloaked in black. She jumped out of her bed. She stumbled on a loose floorboard. She fell down the creaking staircase. She tumbled and tumbled and tumbled until she reached the black door. Pain surged through her leg, creeping down to her ankle. She limped towards the door, grasping the cold handle as she opened the door, suddenly everything went pitch black. 

100 word challenge by EmberS



I watched, dumbstruck, as the man before me began to manipulate the lights that had been hanging moments before. They began to engulf me and my eyes widened in horror as I struggled against their firm grasp. The man paused and stared straight at me. His eyes were dark, so dark, that they seemed like holes in his skull, that just kept flowing, never-ending. I couldn’t take my eyes off them until suddenly, darkness enveloped the room. All the muscles in my body contracted in fear, and I cowered against the wall, dreading the man’s next move. the old floorboards of the attic we were in began to creak and groan as he walked across. As he crossed the room, I noticed a small window that had been hidden behind his enormous frame. Desperate, I struggled through the lights across the small attic room and burst through the window, and I began to plummet down.

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100 Word Challenge Week 30


Quinn M.

100 Word Challenge Week 30

It was a great day, I headed to work, sat in my cubicle, and said “Good Morning”, to every other smiling face in the room. Many people were very unenthusiastic about it being a Monday morning. I never had a problem with Monday mornings. I always say, “Another Monday, another great day!” I had a big presentation due today and I was feeling pretty confident about what I had done. The presentation was about how to grow our brand, “Honey biscuits.” Then suddenly, darkness enveloped the room. That’s when I realized there was an imposter among us, in the building. 

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Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack & he was 13. He had a very odd life considering he was the last kid on earth, he had his parents but they were over 999,999 miles away, there on pluto, along with everyone that ever lived. He was the unlucky child that got left behind on earth. So he had to sustain life on his own & make food, or sometimes (always) “buy” food. but one night he went out to get food & he saw a shadow lurking in the darkness… Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room. jack is dead… alone!



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