Grade 6 Writative Writers!

All Things Writing: Sentences, Stories, Poems…

Where I’m from -Michael.L


I am from comfy couches,

From bean bags and rocking chairs

I am from trampolines

bouncy, whistling, it sounded like squeaky stairs.


I am from tomato plants,

From lemon trees,

Whose branches were so fun to climb.


I’m from tacos and pasta

from Wendy and Bebo.


I’m from how was your day? and let’s go for a walk!

From time for dinner! and it’s a beautiful day!


I’m from hanging up ornaments,

From cooking a huge Thanksgiving feast.


I am from Pasadena and Armenia,

From the time Ethan caught that huge wave,

the time my mom finished the five-year Christmas stocking.


In my room, I have a diary.

I am from those pages in the diary filled with fond memories of summer.

I am from my ancestor’s lineage,


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