Grade 6 Writative Writers!

All Things Writing: Sentences, Stories, Poems…

100 word story week #25 by EmberS =)


The Man And His Garden

Day after day, year after year, the man stands, resolute, unwavering, protecting the orchard from any harm that may come its way. The contrast of his creamy blue-colored outfit against the poppies, lilacs, sunflowers, cosmos, and countless other blossoms attracts many eyes to the marvelous garden.

The sky above him swirls with the colors of amethyst, topaz, quartz, and so many others that it makes the man’s mind whirl, trip, and twirl with delight.

Here, right here, where colors are never lacking and silence always roams, is where the man spends all his time, day after day, year after year.


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