Grade 6 Writative Writers!

All Things Writing: Sentences, Stories, Poems…

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100 wc week 33


The tall eroding spire seemed to crumble under the force of the wind, as I neared I heard a faint scurrying of rats. On the starboard side of the spire sat an old oak wood door. I yanked on the handle, it didn’t budge. I then resorted to kicking it in, BOOM the door fell […]

week 31 100wc


Under a great cherry red mushroom tree sat an old wistful man he guided travellers and taught his knowledge to anyone who would listen. One day an equally wrinkled old man named Jerome floated down the river in a carved wooden boat he said he lost his oar. The first man named Jeremy happily agreed […]

100 wc week 30


Luke is sleeping when suddenly his light starts to flicker. Luke is aroused from his sleep and leaps out of bed. The flickering stops, and suddenly, darkness envelops the room. Luke, turns around. Suddenly a figure emerges from the shadows. Luke jumps under his bed and hears an eerie voice. He tries his best not […]

week 29 hundred word challenge


 Jeffery was walking home he soon got lost and ended up on a street which had an eery 29 on a sign 29th street? I lived on the second street!  He turned a corner and saw a house that looked very like his own. He opened the door to see nothing. Being the nosy kid […]

100 word challenge week 27 by Ruan


Sally received a letter, she glanced at it and filled with joy she was accepted into the gifted academy! this new school was amazing!  Sally was an outstanding painter she loved painting purple sunsets usually behind rolling green hills with so many happy critters, at this school they had an outstanding art room. They always […]

the starry sky opening adjectives day 7


Rigid with fear, sitting up in bed, I stared helplessly as a face rose up in the moonlit window, it had a humanoid face contorted in fear as if a great danger had approached. Suddenly the window shattered and it grabbed me, or at least I thought it did. I felt like I was just […]

100 word challenge-marmite


on the second day of second grade for lunch, I had a bit of toast and some marmite I was made fun of and again in 3rd grade when I also had a marmite sandwich and this pattern repeated a couple of times every year even if I didn’t have marmite here I am in […]

my 100 word story 2


As I stood there I thought of what got me here, see I was a wee little lad when the problem started. The problem of curiosity, that’s what got me into this mess. What happened was, I was exploring the country for them little lizards that were so good in a stew. my momma told […]

the orange one spoke first


I was running, chasing, there was heavy wind almost blowing me off my feet but I kept at it not letting them go out of my sight. They were weird creatures of all different colours. I couldn’t let them escape. I had to study them. For science! Suddenly I tripped! The creatures stopped running, turned […]

the day the pages spoke-Ruan G


There once was a boy named Jonathan. Jonathan had dark hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. He was tall for his age but not too tall. Jonathan lived in downtown New York and loved to read books. He would check out at least five per day and finished them all by nightfall.  Jonathan lived […]

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